Providing the right coaching
exactly when you need it.

Dave E. Cole

Dave has expertise in both the secular and church world brings a wide arena of knowledge and experience in helping organizations move from an Inward-Focused Culture to an Outward-Focused Culture.

Specializes in:

Leadership, Revitalization, and Church Health

Shane McCroskey

Shane has served as the executive pastor at Timberlake Church since 2013.  TImberlake Church is a  large, multi-campus church in the greater Seattle area with a strong focus on reaching the unchurched. Shane leads a staff of over 75 and has experience in both small and mega church contexts. With a focus on business and church leadership, Shane excels in church systems and strategies to make the most of your church’s impact and development.
Specializes in:

Church Systems, Growth, Staffing, and Finances

Debbie Cole

Debbie is an inspirational speaker, life coach, and mentor. She is a wife, mother and nana to five amazing grandkids. As an ordained minister of the Assemblies of God she facilitates a ministry called “Alongside” that brings connection, encouragement and resources to ministry wives. Debbie’s personal Mission Statement is “To help develop leaders that are inwardly healthy while outwardly impacting their world for the Kingdom of God.”

Specializes in:

Women in Ministry, Self-Care, and Life Coaching

Jon Wren

Owning his own business, running multiple non-profits, and pastoring small and medium churches, Jon brings a young, fresh approach to doing church creatively. Jon’s heart is to see the Kingdom built in new and innovative ways while keeping the gospel a priority.

Specializes in:

Missional Thinking, Innovation, and Discipleship